Author: Brittney Campbell

Have you ever gotten stuck when you were trying to create digital content? Maybe you don’t know what to talk about? Maybe you just can’t think of anything good? Or do you just have writer’s block? I’ve come up with all of these excuses in...

For most of us, we are taught the same path to go down. You go to school, get good grades so you can get into a good college, get good grades in college so you can get a good grades in college so you can...

One thing that I will always encourage any entrepreneur or small business owner is to listen to podcasts. Podcasts are a large part of my education and motivation to continue to grow my business. It's definitely in the top 3 of the best thing I've...

To quote my rapper, "What a time to be alive." Yeah, yeah, I know Drake didn't come up with the phrase, but he is who I think of when I think of that phrase. Drake is just so great! Any who, when it comes to...

Who doesn't love beautiful photography?  A strong foreground with a unique background. Vibrant colors, the perfect contrast. Well, I love photography and I appreciate its beautiful. The question is should you use your own photography, professional photography, or stock photos? Photography may not be your thing and...

Throughout my career, I've asked people "who are you selling your product or service to?"  Many times, their answer was everyone.  The more people you try to sell your product or service to, the more money you will make, right?  Not necessarily.  Is your product...

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit the Campbell Design Solutions website. My name is Brittney Campbell and I am the founder and executive designer of CDS. I very much enjoy helping small businesses get to the next level and boost their...