Why Now Is The Best Time To Start A Business?

Why Now Is The Best Time To Start A Business?

To quote my rapper, “What a time to be alive.” Yeah, yeah, I know Drake didn’t come up with the phrase, but he is who I think of when I think of that phrase. Drake is just so great! Any who, when it comes to starting a business and entrepreneurship, there hasn’t been a better time to get started on your business. Why, why now? Because of this little thing called the internet. But in all seriousness, the internet is the game changer when you compare businesses from the past to businesses now.

Many small business owners only had the option to sell their product or service in their local area, normally because of finances. Now at the start of your business, you can potentially sell to the entire world. So that means if someone that has a business in the 1980s and someone that has a business now, both people with the same products or services, can have hundreds of thousands of dollars of difference between what they are taking home. If they both live in Boise, Idaho, the someone from the ’80s, who is selling jewelry locally may make $60,000 a year and the present day someone that is selling jewelry online to people around the world may be making three million dollars per year. It’s an enormous difference but it’s completely possible. Don’t get me wrong, if someone is making three million dollars per year, they are working very hard. The thing is the person that’s making $60,000 is working very hard as well but that person doesn’t have as much of an opportunity to make as large of an amount of money because that person doesn’t have the same audience.

I do understand that there are plenty of businesses that existed or the currently exist that began decades ago with one person from a small town. However, it was just more difficult to get to the level during the time. It also took longer to do that as well. Back in the day, to create an audience for your product or service, one would have to hit the pavement to do an outreach for potential customers or clients or work with radio, television, or publications to reach the mass. Now people build the million dollar corporations with solely using social media. Depending on how it is used, it can be use completely for free to build your tribe. For free! And if money is spent on ads, it’s so much more inexpensive than t.v., radio and publications. Social media gives one the opportunity to not have much of a budget for marketing and do an exceptional job at marketing. It all about finding your people and connecting with those people.

That also is great is all the digital software that can be used to run your business. There are things like Quickbooks, Asana, Trello, Honeybook, 17hats, etc. that helps you run your business without a team of people in the beginning. There are also tutorials out there where you can learn how to use those program. Nowadays, there are a lot less steps to starting and running a business. So if you have a business idea, just get started. No time is better to start then right now. Do you have an idea for a business? Are you are looking to start a new business or already have one and want to grow it? Comment down below and let me know! Until time, use great design to increase your bottom line.

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