Visual Brand Identity Checklist – The Basics

Visual Brand Identity Checklist – The Basics

Brand identity is believed to be the face of a brand. It doesn’t matter if you are still building a new brand or just renovating your current one. Visual brand identity is one, if not the most influential element of your business. Why? It is because Brand creates trust. Clients will always trust that your product or service is what they are looking for in a brand. A brand indicates the emotional response of your client, and it helps them make decisions about what they intend to buy. A Visual Brand Identity also symbolizes how your potential customers think about your business.

It is necessary that visual brand identity is consistent. Considering that it represents and reinforce the emotions of a brand. The message that is represented by the brand identity elements requires a clear and consistent representation. Branding is not only for multinational companies, but it is also for the medium and small type of business because they can also build a successful brand. Learning how the business really works and the real meaning of your business to the clients could help you create a successful brand.

The following are the basic checklist for developing your Visual Brand Identity.

Logo. A great logo is a visual representation that shows both what you do and who you are. There is no easy way to create, but research has proven that various shapes can affect how people see your brand. Designing a logo is crucial because it will depend on the message you are trying to tell. Uncomplicated designs are easy to be recognized and remember. Furthermore, clear and uncomplicated logos are not difficult to modify if you decide to change the color or rework it in the future.

Secondary logo. It is simpler and is designed as a substitute for your primary logo. It is usually for social media purposes. Resizing your logo for a smaller design is intended for a t-shirt and cap among others.

Fonts and Typography. Your desired fonts can be simple and easily found on multiple online platforms. You can also choose less common fonts, as long as it gives justice to your brand identity. Your fonts need to blend perfectly with your colors, and logo. An ideal logo has no more than 3 kinds of fonts, one for the title, body and a decorative font for visual design purposes. Using more than 3 fonts can create confusion in your visual identity. It generates confusion, inconsistency and it looks scattered, and this can lead to a poor impression of your business. On the other hand, Typography is the art of arranging type design. It is designed on a page to properly execute the desired visual effects. Be careful in choosing a typeface for it is as crucial as the use of graphics, color, and images in creating and strengthening a professional brand.

Colors. Color is an overly emotional element of branding, but it is a bit complicated. You can’t immediately change someone’s judgment through color, because the feedback can be subjective. Also, there are crucial things to take note, one of which is you must limit your palette. You sure want to give lots of options for the designer to work with but not too much to cause confusion.

Photography. Photography is important due to a large part of your brand story is expressed through images. Great visual brand identity will guide you on how to pick and manage photography. Your photography needs to correspond to the image, be consistent and always represent your brand, products or services. Images are the final enhancement of the look and feel of your brand. Photography can be seen on websites, and any other means you chose to advertise your business.

Illustration. Thinking of a one-of-a-kind layout style is a bright idea to create a Visual Brand Identity but don’t overdo it. Keep it in mind to be clear, distinct, and on-brand. Don’t try to mix styles or be exaggerated for the illustration, and make sure you have already sign-off design styles. Moreover, referring to a character illustration, you need to be aware of how you are characterizing people, characters, or products.        

To sum it up, the essential elements of a great visual brand is consistency, your look, and feel. Your visual brand identity requires to be consistent on all media platforms, from printed outputs to your website.

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